Open yourself to a life filled with joy, compassion, purpose and love.

Click Here to see Gary’s welcome video.

The special Twenty-Fifth Anniversary edition of the best-selling and revolutionary book, The Seat of the Soul, offers a unique opportunity to expand and deepen your experience of the book through this extensive multi-media study guide extension.

Created by Gary Zukav, it provides you with the tools and step-by-step exercises to apply the profound wisdom of the book into your daily life and create transformative changes into all areas of your daily life — relationships, career, friendships, finances, health and family.

The Study Guide Extension Includes:

  • Videos of Gary Zukav sharing the profound wisdom from The Seat of the Soul to support you in a greater understanding.
  • Guided audio meditations by Gary Zukav to help you incorporate what you’ve learned from The Seat of the Soul.
  • Authentic Power Guidelines to help you apply what you’ve learned from The Seat of the Soul in all areas of your life.

Step into your life with wisdom, clarity, compassion and love.

“Rather than a soul in a body, become a body in a soul. Reach for your soul.”

– Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul

Copyright 2025 Seat of the Soul Institute
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