The Gary Zukav Podcast

Exploring the New Consciousness

Soul Feast #16: How to Trust the Universe



In today’s Soul Feast, Gary explores the concept of trust from a new consciousness perspective, emphasizing the importance of inner awareness and the connection between our inner and outer worlds. He discusses how quantum physics relates to our understanding of reality and decision-making, highlighting the role of meaning and love in creating authentic power. 

Gary encourages listeners to experiment with their choices and to recognize the evolving nature of their consciousness.

Gary also shares how you create your path through your choices and reflecting on meaningful choices can guide future decisions

Trusting your feelings leads to meaningful experiences.


What You’ll Discover in This Soul Feast:

  • (04:38) The Connection Between Inner and Outer Worlds
  • (12:08) How Quantum Physics relates to the Nature of Reality
  • (19:24) How reflecting on meaningful choices can guide future decisions
  • (27:20) Evolving Through Love and Authentic Power


Embrace the Soul Step Challenge: Looking back on your life, write down the things that gave you the most meaning, and you knew it at the time you were choosing, that led you to richness and fullness. Also write about the times in your past when you have chosen something that wasn’t as meaningful as you knew you were worthy of, and what that produced in your life. Experiment with choosing meaningfully how you will interact the next time you speak with someone, and how you will choose the next time you make a choice. Allow yourself to feel the beauty and the power of what you are beginning to explore.


Explore your full potential, so you can give the gifts you were born to give. Enroll in Soul Themes Today. Your soul has been waiting for you to take this journey!

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