In today’s Soul Snack, Gary Zukav introduces his beloved, late, spiritual partner Linda Francis, who shares a deeply reflective and practical guide to releasing anger and resentment. This soul snack explores how these powerful emotions can be understood and transformed.
Letting go of anger isn’t about suppressing it, but recognizing its presence, feeling it fully, and consciously choosing not to act on it.
Linda discusses the ways in which the universe offers opportunities to challenge and disempower these painful parts of your personality.
Through emotional awareness and intentional action, you can cultivate the loving parts of your personality and create a life filled with constructive and meaningful experiences.
What You’ll Discover in This Soul Snack:
- (00:41): The importance of commitment in letting go of anger and resentment.
- (03:04): Why emotional pain is an opportunity for spiritual growth.
- (05:26): How to consciously choose not to act on anger and resentment in the moment.
- (06:15): The transformative power of feeding the loving parts of your personality.
Embrace the Soul Step Challenge: The next time anger or resentment arises within you, pause and notice where you feel it in your body. Identify the thoughts that accompany it. Instead of acting on these feelings and thoughts, use your will to observe them with compassion and simply allow them to be. Write about this experience in your soul journal and reflect on the power of your choice to not act from fear.
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