Honoring Maya Angelou

Before Linda and I flew to North Carolina to interview Dr. Maya Angelo, Oprah advised us in a way that told us she was speaking from experience, “Don’t call her Maya unless she gives you permission.” We followed her advice, which was easy to do. She was as gracious as she was grounded. Her smile […]

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is a time of unmistakably large new beginnings. By the time of the Winter Solstice, everything that began growing at the Summer Solstice has contracted into one seed of potential, and that seed begins to expand. Add to this the Christmas story, and Hanukah, the Season of Light, and the point is […]

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Once there was only one ball, and it hypnotized us. It seemed to cause our joy and pain and our pleasure and misery. It seemed to cause everything, and everything depended upon it. That ball was the world. Now another ball has appeared, and it has become the new star of the show. The show […]

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