The Gary Zukav Podcast

Exploring the New Consciousness

Soul Feast #18: What To Do Before You Speak or Act



In this insightful Soul Feast, Gary discusses the profound impact of intentions on our actions and words.

He reveals how every action we take is guided by an intention—conscious or unconscious—and how the quality of our intention shapes the consequences we experience

Gary emphasizes that understanding and aligning with loving intentions is a cornerstone of creating authentic power.Delving deeper, Gary explains the duality of love and fear as the foundation of all intentions. 

When we act unconsciously, our intentions stem from fear, resulting in pain and disconnection.

However, by cultivating emotional awareness and consciously choosing intentions of love, we can transform our experiences and relationships. He illustrates this with relatable examples, showing how intentions—not just actions—are the true creators of our life’s outcomes.

The solution lies in becoming aware of your intentions before speaking or acting.

By consistently choosing love over fear, you can align with your soul’s intentions, creating a life filled with joy, connection, meaning and fulfillment.


What You’ll Discover in This Soul Feast:

  • (00:41): Why every action and word has an intention behind it.
  • (02:52): The importance of identifying unconscious intentions rooted in fear.
  • (05:13): How intentions of love transform your words, actions, and outcomes.
  • (07:21): The duality of love and fear as the foundation of all intentions.
  • (13:03): Practical steps to align your intentions with your soul’s purpose.


Embrace the Soul Step Challenge: Reflect on your intentions throughout the day. Use a journal or voice recorder to note the intentions behind your actions and words, noting whether they stem from love or fear. At the end of the day, review your notes to observe patterns and areas for growth. Commit to making intentional choices rooted in love to create more joyful and fulfilling experiences.


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