The Miracle Of The Coronavirus – Part 3

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The coronavirus has sent us all home, so to speak, to assess and re-assess who we are, what we are doing, and why we are doing it. It has mandated a break for eight billion of us from our mindless, urgent, spot-light focus on the particulars of our lives and encouraged us to examine our lives with a flood-light, so to speak. It shows us the little things in our lives from a more accurate perspective. They are little things. Why then, do they appear so large, important, and immediate? Time in isolation allows us to explore these things, if we choose, yet there is no such thing as “isolation.”

All of us, all of Life, and everything we encounter, have encountered, and will encounter belongs to the Universe. They are the Universe. We belong to the Universe. We are the Universe. What is there to be “isolated” from? Can wet be isolated from water? “Time in isolation” is time with the Universe. Every time, anytime, anywhere is time with the Universe. The coronavirus is giving us opportunities to investigate this. If your experience at home includes children, that is time with the Universe. If it includes in-laws, that is time with the Universe. If you have no home to go to, that is time with the Universe also.

I asked a friend who had once been homeless to tell me his experience. “It was just God and me,” he said. Rituals bring your attention to the present moment – your never-ending “time with the Universe.” The coronavirus is bringing your attention to the ritual that is your life so that you can use it consciously, wisely, and lovingly.

The coronavirus is bringing us together. “Nonsense!” booms the intellect. That is the OPPOSITE of what you just proclaimed! We are NOT together when we are at home alone. The limits of the intellect are becoming visible to hundreds of millions of us as we become multisensory – able to perceive beyond the boundaries of the five senses. Our perceptions of ourselves, the world, and the Universe are changing forever. Our wisest clichés are becoming our realities, for example, “We are all in this together,” and, more accurately, “We are One.”

The coronavirus ignites our delight and our joy in our fellow students in the Earth school. We did not imagine how generous, creative, humorous, and loving they are, even in very difficult times. We did not imagine how generous, creative, humorous, and loving we are, even in very difficult times. Generosity, sharing, kindness, and love are appearing everywhere. This is one of my favorite examples: A state trooper stopped a car that was speeding. He asked the young driver for her ID, and then why she was there (her car had out of state licenses). She told him, “I am a doctor. I am volunteering at the hospital.” “Stay in the car,” he told her. When he returned, he handed her five masks that the State Police had issued to him. She cried. He left without identifying himself.

Aren’t we humans amazing? How many things like this have you heard about? How many have you seen? How many have you done?

This is the miracle of the coronavirus.
Linda & Gary
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